We agree with you, trying to understand your vision insurance can be frustrating. Vision insurance plans such as VSP or EyeMed can be hard to digest but let us help you understand just a little bit more.
Let’s debunk 5 common vision insurance myths.
Myth #1
“Vision insurance benefits covers both glasses and contact lenses.”

Our optician Michael explains, “Most vision insurances will only cover glasses OR contact lenses but not both. The only time I have seen a patient get covered for both is if someone used two different insurances.”
PRO-TIP: Use your insurance towards glasses, 99% of the time you will save more money by using your benefits for glasses over contact lenses.
Myth #2
“Vision insurance covers the contact lens fitting exam completely.“

To this Adriana answers, “Your comprehensive eye exam and contact lens fitting exam are two separate exam services. Most insurances will cover the comprehensive eye exam (sometimes with a co-pay) but will only give a discount on the contact lens fitting exam.”
During a comprehensive eye exam, our doctors check the overall health of your eyes and it includes updated glasses prescriptions.
PRO-TIP: If you are very nearsighted or farsighted or have a big difference in prescription between you eyes, you may qualify for medically necessary contact lens services through your vision plan. Medically necessary contact lens services covers fees for a comprehensive eye exam, a contact lens fitting and a whole year supply of contact lenses.
Learn more about VSP medically necessary contact lenses: CLICK HERE
Myth #3
“If I don’t use all of my frame allowance, that amount rolls over to cover other optical expenses.”

Joanna’s reply to this myth, “Unfortunately that’s not true. I wish it was, but unused frame allowance does not roll over.”
PRO-TIP: Most optometry office offer a wild range of brands and prices, including frames that are close or with in your vision plan’s budget. Sometimes you just have to ask about those glasses frames.
Myth #4
“I can use my vision insurance benefits to buy non-prescription sunglasses.”

Our staff Melissa’s response, “Unless you are doing a pair sunglasses with prescription lenses, you will not be able to use your benefits towards non-prescription sunglasses. In order to be considered a “prescription lens”, you prescription needs to be or exceeding -0.50 diopters or +0.50 power.”
PRO-TIP: If you had LASIK surgery or PRK, you can use your VSP frame allowance toward the cost of non-prescription sunglasses.
Myth #5
“Since my husband didn’t use his vision insurance, I can use his benefits for my glasses or contact lenses.”

Dr. Soong’s answer, “This sounds pretty much like insurance fraud. Sorry but we can only apply vision insurance benefits to the assigned individual.”
PRO-TIP: Not everyone in the family needs vision insurance. If you know your husband has good vision and eye health with no foreseeable need for glasses or contact lenses, there might not be a need for vision insurance for him.
Consult our doctors and staff if you have any questions about your insurance. We are just a text message away.
Do you have a vision insurance question?
We have the answers. Just text us: (909)627-1111
Schedule your eye exam online today: CLICK HERE
The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions. Bright Vision Optometry is a family-owned & operated optometry office located in Chino Hills, CA 91709