A dilated eye exam is a crucial part of every comprehensive eye exam. Optos retinal imaging eliminates the need for traditional eye dilation.
To examine the whole back of the eye or retina, eye doctors traditional performed dilated eye exams. It helps eye doctors detect any eye disease such as glaucoma, diabetes, eye tumors and retinal detachments.
Optos retinal imaging can capture over 85% of the back of the eye in less than a second. All this, without the need of a dilation eye drops. This technology has been proven to detect eye disease early and prevent vision loss.
It’s understandable why our patients at Bright Vision Optometry love this new technology.
We summarize the side-effects of traditional eye dilation. Then we summarize 3 benefits of Optos retinal imaging.
Traditional Eye Dilation
Here are 3 side-effects from traditional eye dilation drops:
(PICTURED ABOVE: traditional eye dilation sometimes requires a total of 3 different eye drops)
Because the pupils are physically bigger, more light will entered the eyes after a dilated eye exam. Meaning your eyes will be more sensitivity to outdoor sunlight as well as indoor lights.
Sunglasses should be worn after dilation. Sometimes even indoors. This is the reason we always recommend first time dilation patients to avoid driving and bring a driver with them.
Dilated eyes will cause blurred vision especially for reading and computer work. Dilation eye drops will paralyze the focusing ability of the eyes. Yup, this means even reading your text messages on your phone would be difficult.
It’s the reason why after most dilated eye exam, patients can’t go back to work or kids can’t back to school or do homework.
The effects of dilation can lasts between 4-8 hours. This variation depends on the type of drops used and the color of your eyes. Darker eye color, like brown, will have a shorter dilation period compared to someone with lighter colored eyes, like blue eyes.
Blurred vision for near and computer work will also last 4-8 hours after dilation too. We usually recommended our patients to go home, relax in a dark room, avoid reading after dilation.
Modern Optos Retinal Imaging
Here are 3 benefits of Optos retinal imaging:

Because Optos retinal imaging can be captured without dilation, no eye drops will be necessary. This also means no blurred vision or light sensitivity for the next 4-8 hours. This is especially beneficial to examine kids’ eye health!
Kid do not like eye drops anymore than they like shots. It’s often difficult to convince a kid to let us put in eye drops. Usually kicking, screaming and crying ensues, leading to wasted time for both parents and doctors.
Detecting eye disease and subtle changes is quick and easy with Optos retinal imaging. With detailed digital images, we are able to compared photos year after year to ensure your eyes are healthy.

(PICTURED ABOVE: a patient that we detected diabetic changes inside the eye)
Just like how parents document how their kids grow with photos, at Bright Vision Optometry, we document how our patients eyes have changed or not changed throughout the years.
The best part? These digital photos are part of your medical record that we keep permanently. If you or your family members are in another state, we can easily transfer your retinal images digitally (in a blink of an eye) to your new doctor.
They say time is the most precious resource we have. By using Optos retinal imaging, we are able to save you time. Retinal photos of both eyes can be taken in less than 30 seconds.
There is no need to wait for dilation eye drops to kick it or the need to take time off from work or school because there are no side-effects of blurred vision and light-sensitivity.
Money is time. Time is money. Save time and money with Optos retinal imaging.
Traditional eye dilation has side-effects specifically, light-sensitivity, blurred vision and has a long recovery time. Optos retinal imaging provides our eye doctors the same quality pictures of the back of the eyes without those side-effects.
Every patient at Bright Vision Optometry is offered this technology because Optos retinal imaging is more comfort, detects eye disease at it’s earliest stage and it saves time.
Optos retinal imaging has proven to catch eye disease early and prevent vision loss at Bright Vision Optometry.
During your next eye exam, be sure to ask for Optos retinal imaging.
Text Bright Vision Optometry: (909)627-1111
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The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions
Bright Vision Optometry is a family-owned & operated optometry office located in Chino Hills, CA 91709